Diabetes Care & Education
Learn everything you can about diabetes. Take advantage of any diabetic classes your doctor suggests. Even if it is not covered by your insurance, it is a good investment in your personal health care.
Diabetic ABCs
Know your diabetic ABCs for monitoring your progress. "A" is for A1C. The A1C test to monitor your glucose levels in your blood for 3 months. "B" is for blood pressure. High blood pressure causes heart, eye and kidney damage. "C" is for cholesterol. Know the good, bad and the ugly. Bad cholesterol, or LDL, builds up in your arteries causing strokes and heart attacks. HDL is the good cholesterol that keeps things flowing.
There are some advantages of diabetes. You will stay healthier, eat better foods and get more exercise than if you did not have the diagnosis. You have a strong motivation to take care of yourself.
Diabetes is a fight for your health, but you must fight. There will be times when you want to quit taking care of yourself and doing what you know to do, but you must stay focused.
Famous Ties
Just because you are diagnosed with diabetes does not mean you cannot reach your highest ambition, even if you are diagnosed after 40.