Anodyne Light Therapy for the Treatment of Leg Pain
Increased Circulation
Anodyne light therapy increases circulation in the areas where it is used. Using Moor scanning laser doppler technology, the Denver Medical Center conducted a study to measure increases in circulation after using anodyne light therapy. Pictures show that there is a significant increase in circulation after treatments that are 20 to 30 minutes in duration.
Combination Therapies
Anodyne light therapy is often combined with a program of physical therapy. This potent combination can increase the patient's balance temporarily and reduces the risk of falling down. Falls are a common source of injury for elderly patients.
Leg Pain Reduction
Patients with chronic pain of the neuropathic variety in their lower extremities received treatment for 40 minutes, three times a week for two weeks. According to, treatments resulted in significant pain reduction for those with neuropathic pain in that area.
Anodyne light therapy is not contraindicated for many conditions. A contraindication is when a treatment is not recommended for certain ailments. You can receive treatment safely even if you have metal implants, screw or pins. Additionally, those with defibrillators and pacemakers can receive treatment.
Treatment Duration
You may feel pain relief immediately, but some patients need at least six or more treatments. If you do not feel a degree of pain reduction after 12 sessions, this therapy might not be effective for you.