How to Prevent Stomach Ulcers
Stop smoking. Smoking is one factor closely linked to poor healing and ulcer recurrence. Cigarette smokers often continue to suffer from ulcers until they quit. Avoid trigger foods such as coffee, chocolate, alcohol, peppermint, tomatoes, tomato based products, fatty foods, spicy foods and food seasoning such as black pepper, garlic and chili powder. Citrus fruits may cause discomfort for some people
Stop taking harmful medications. People with ulcers caused by NSAID use must discontinue the offending drug. People who need ongoing pain relief for a condition such as arthritis should ask their doctor to prescribe alternative medication
Exercise so as to raise your endorphin levels. People with ulcers may benefit from relaxation techniques and biofeedback to cope with stress. Regular exercise promotes release of endorphins, brain chemicals that dull pain and elevate mood.