What Are Whale Tapeworms?
Name Sake
Whale tapeworms are known as whale tapeworms because their host is a whale. They carry the namesake just as other tapeworms may be referred to as beef tapeworms, pork tapeworms and fish tapeworms.
Characteristics of Whale Tapeworms
They attach themselves to the intestinal lining of the whale and absorb vitamins and nutrients that the whale eats. They have a protective coating that shields the worms from the whales' immune system. By stealing nutrients the whale is weakened.
Discovering Tapeworms in Whales
Many parasites that live inside of whales are unknown. Tapeworms inside of whales have been discovered through autopsies on deceased whales washing to shore. Scientists then look into the cause of death and can learn about whale tapeworms.
Longest Tapeworms
The whale tapeworm is known to be one of the longest parasites in the world. It can grow up to (and in some cases surpass) 40 meters.
Sperm Whale
Sperm whale is noted for carrying the largest tapeworms in the whale world; the longest one being 40 meters.