Food That Contains Peptides
Wheat protein contains peptides to transmit information from the digestive system to the brain. They have a sort of opiate effect on some people, and narcotic-blocking drugs can block their effects, according to
Milk protein contains peptides, according to They fall into the opioid peptide category as well.
Possible Problem
The opiate effect from peptides on certain people's brains cause or have something to do with appetite problems in those with food illnesses.
Gastrointestinal Peptides
Gastrointestinal peptides do not come from food, but rather from the intestines during digestion of all food.
Food Cravings
Some people with gastrointestinal peptide dysfunction crave all kinds of food because their body wants to increase ingestion. In this sense, all food, even those without peptide proteins, can make the body produce peptides.