Patient Information on a Black Tongue

Black tongue, also known as black, hairy tongue, looks ugly but does not signify a serious medical problem. This overgrowth of discolored tongue cells usually responds to improved oral hygiene.
  1. Description

    • Black, hairy tongue occurs when the papillae, the small raised projections that dot the surface of the tongue. Normally these papillae shed over time, but papillae that fail to shed can grow unnaturally long and become discolored, according to the Mayo Clinic.


    • Black, hairy tongue may actually appear brown or yellow instead of black, while presenting a rough or furry texture. Bad breath, a metallic taste or a gagging feeling may also occur.


    • Mouth breathing, failure to brush both the teeth and the tongue, smoking and certain medications or mouthwashes can cause black tongue.


    • Brushing and flossing after meals, avoiding tobacco products and having regular dental checkups can all help resolve or prevent black tongue.


    • In most cases, simple home treatment can get rid of this harmless, if embarrassing, condition. However, if a prescribed medication causes black, hairy tongue, a doctor should be consulted before stopping the dosage.

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