How to Stop Flatulence L Bacteria
Things You'll Need
- Natural antibiotics
- Probiotics
- Activated Charcoal
- Diet Change
Stop Bacteria Overgrowth
Do not take antibiotics; antibiotics kill most of the friendly bacteria in our digestive system by interfering with the generation of friendly bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. L-form bacteria are unfriendly bacteria that compromise and weaken the proper functioning of our gastrointestinal system by releasing gaseous toxins which enter into the bloodstream.
Take natural antibiotics like grapefruit seed extract and garlic to kill any unfriendly bacteria in the digestive system.
Take activated charcoal to reduce the symptoms of flatulence caused by bacterial gas secretions in the abdomen and intestines. Activated charcoal will absorb the intestinal gases which are toxic to the body.
Take probiotics like Acidophilus supplements, which help to increase the production of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract.
Reduce your intake of carbohydrates and sugar-rich foods. Bacteria feed on these substances and can lead to poor digestion.
Avoid artificial sweeteners and carbonated drinks. Reduce your intake of fruits, since fruits contain sugars.
Maintain a high-fiber diet. Unfriendly digestive bacteria do not feed on these substances and will eventually die. Eat plenty of yogurt and other naturally-fermented foods like Keffir, which help to promote the growth of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract.
Include garlic, fennel, anise, caraway seeds, cumin and coriander in your diet as these spices help to stimulate proper digestion and help to prevent flatulence. Take ginger and peppermint tea along with digestive bitters regularly to help regulate your digestion.