Effects of Gallstones
Gallstones that are large in size or become lodged within the digestive system can cause considerable pain. This pain can be sudden and excruciating. The pain may be present in the abdominal area or in your shoulder area. The pain is similar to that caused by a kidney stone, which can prevent a person from finding a comfortable position. The pain can last for just a few minutes or for several hours. Small gallstones that are not lodged within the system can pass without causing any pain or symptoms.
Yellowing of the Skin and Eyes
When the bile in the gallbladder is not being filtered correctly, it can cause excess to build up in the gallbladder. One component of bile is bilirubin, which is produced by the liver. When the body does not process this digestive fluid efficiently, it can become excessive. A large amount of bilirubin in the system can cause the skin and the whites of the eyes to turn yellow. This is similar to the jaundice that many babies experience just after birth.
If gallstones are too large to pass through the system, they can become lodged within the gallbladder or within the ducts of the gallbladder or pancreas. This can cause inflammation of those organs, along with a fever and severe pain. Blockages typically have to be removed through surgery. The inflammation and blockages can cause damage to the organs. Multiple gallstones can eventually cause the organs to weaken and, while rare, gallbladder cancer may result.