Crohn's Disease Vs Biliary Dyskinesia
Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune disease that often causes inflammation throughout a patient’s digestive track. This inflammation may occur anywhere in the small intestines, large intestines or colon. Crohn’s disease is incurable but symptoms can be treated with medication.
Crohn's Disease Symptoms
Patients with Crohn’s disease may experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, constipation, bloody stools and ulcers. The severity of these symptoms may vary. Crohn’s disease can go into remission and the patient will have few to no symptoms.
Biliary Dyskinesia
Biliary dyskinesia is a medical condition without gallstones that affects the gallbladder. This disease can occur once or be a chronic condition. Biliary dyskinesia occurs when the gallbladder fails to contract and release bile properly.
Biliary Dyskinesia Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of biliary dyskinesia include a sharp pain under the right rib cage or abdominal cramping. A patient may also experience vomiting, bloating and diarrhea.
Correct Diagnosis
Due to the similar symptoms of Crohn’s disease and biliary dyskinesia, diagnosis can be difficult. The most common form of testing for biliary dyskinesia is a CCK-HIDA scan. This procedure utilizes nuclear medicine and a camera to visualize the contraction of the gallbladder. A correct diagnosis is essential because patients with biliary dyskinesia typically require a cholecystectomy, or removal of the gallbladder.