Intestinal Fungal Infection
Certain types of fungi (especially Candida albicans) can grow on different areas of the body, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract, namely on internal surfaces of the colon. Candida is a normal part of a healthy intestinal ecology, but under certain unfavorable factors it can “overgrow” and become pathogenic.
When the level of normal colon bacteria is low, the fungus develops roots that can be implanted in the intestinal wall. The intestines become porous, allowing absorption into the body of toxic material (fungi, parasites, bacteria and their toxins, undigested protein, fat and waste). The body starts then producing antibodies to these organisms, which can lead to autoimmune diseases.
Most natural practitioners use a questionnaire such as the one provided by William Crook's book, "The Yeast Connection," where the scores indicate the level of infection. Along with that, a culture of a stool specimen, a sensitivity test and a specific blood test for antibodies can identify the presence of an infection.
If left untreated, a long-term fungal infestation of the intestines leads to conditions such as candidiasis, leaky gut syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome.
Causes of a fungal infestations are antibiotics that wipe out friendly gut bacteria, oral contraceptives, corticosteroid drugs, over-processed foods, sugar, mold in stored grains, cheese, refined carbohydrates and enzyme deficiencies.
A low carbohydrate anti-fungal diet plays a very important role in the treatment process. Along with the diet, the treatment includes a variety of powerful anti-fungals, probiotics, enzymes, fiber, detoxifying agents, vitamins, minerals and digestive aids.