Goldenseal Effect on Candida
About Goldenseal
Goldenseal is a plant that belongs to the buttercup family. Also known by its Latin name, Hydrastis, goldenseal has been used in folk medicine for centuries.
Medicinal Action of Goldenseal
Goldenseal is a tonic and a stomachic. It is used to treat dyspepsia, gastric catarrh and problems in the liver. It is frequently used to treat chronic constipation.
Conventional Treatment of Candida
Conventional medicine treats candida with antifungal drugs, usually Nystatin. The drug is made from a mold, which acts by competing with other molds and fungi, such as candida, for food in the gut.
Treating Candida with Goldenseal
According to Dr. Stephen Byrnes, ND, goldenseal can be used to treat a candida overgrowth. A small capsule of goldenseal is used for treatment, and treatment stops after two weeks because the herb can be toxic in large doses.
Other Herbs to Treat Candida
Other herbs that are used to treat candida include garlic, licorice, astragalus and even cinnamon.