Solutions for Flatulence
Check your Diet
If you have something important to do later, or you just know you're prone to flatulence, avoid the following gas-producing foods: carbonated beverages, dairy foods in large amounts, beans and legumes, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, onions, cauliflower, yeast-containing foods and basically anything that you realize gives you gas. The flatulence means your body isn't digesting this food properly, so just steer clear of it. Also, if you're adding fiber to your diet, this may cause flatulence; use only the minimum dose of fiber you can take to get regular.
Enjoy nibbling on fresh ginger dipped in lemon or lime juice after each meal. It's an age-old trick to settle the stomach. You can also chew peppermint leaves after a meal, which will not only make your breath sweet but also release oils that keep your digestive tract calm and reduce the buildup of intestinal gas. Fennel seeds, roasted or fresh, are also a traditional way to ease the digestive process after a meal. Another popular preventative is 2 tsp. brandy in a cup of water at bedtime (obviously not for children). Any of these pleasant little habits can help prevent flatulence.
Home Remedies
When you do develop flatulence, there are several kitchen cures that can bring you some relief. Mix 1/2 tsp. dill oil and 1 tsp. honey to swallow against flatulence. You can also mix ground ginger, cardamom or cinnamon in water; any of these spices has anti-gas properties. Tried-and-true baking soda in saltwater can also help break up intestinal gas, and charcoal tablets, which you can buy in many pharmacies, can absorb the gas before it escapes.