Common Excretory System Diseases
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infections, or UTI, negatively affect the urinary system by bacterial infection. The most common kind of UTI is cystitis, and they usually occur in women.
When uric acid accumulates in the blood, gout will form, usually in the toes. Gout is a very painful inflammation that requires treatment. It may occur because the body is producing too much uric acid or because the kidneys are not filtering it as they should be.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are quite common. They are formed in the kidney and vary in size. After formation, they can be located anywhere in the urinary system. Kidney stones are more frequent in men than women.
Renal Failure
Renal failure is a potentially fatal condition in which the kidneys stop functioning. Renal failure can occur suddenly (acute renal failure) or gradually (chronic kidney disease).