Gas & Bloating After Eating Food
When eating and doing other activities, air enters into the digestive system and can eventually cause a feeling of bloating. At some point the body needs to expel the air and does so by burping or passing gas.
Eating too quickly or eating high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables can cause gas and bloating. Other foods such as beans, lettuce, cabbage, gum and hard candy can also cause gas build-up.
Avoiding foods that are known triggers for you, not using a straw and chewing slowly can all prevent gas and bloating with meals. Also, adjusting badly fitting dentures can help, as these have been shown to let more air in.
Over-the-counter medications such as Beano and activated charcoal might cause some relief but do not always work.
See a doctor if gas interferes with your life or does not improve, or if it is accompanied by bleeding, nausea, weight loss or fever.