Uncommon Abdominal Pain
Sudden, severe or long-lasting abdominal pain is considered uncommon and requires prompt medical evaluation.
Common causes of abdominal pain include colic, viral infection, menstrual cramps and indigestion. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, colon cancer, aortic aneurism and somatization disorder--a condition in which psychological distress manifests as physical pain or illness--are considered uncommon causes of abdominal pain.
Possible health complications are largely dependent on the underlying cause of abdominal pain. According to the National Institutes of Health, appendicitis can cause abscess or peritonitis, bowel obstruction may lead to intestinal perforation, while colon cancer can metastasize to other parts of the body and cause death.
Treatment for abdominal pain is based on its cause and may include surgery or the use of painkilling medications, stool softeners, anti-gas agents or antacids.
Abdominal pain that occurs without warning and is accompanied by blood in the stool, vomiting or fever requires immediate medical attention. Never attempt to treat severe abdominal pain without a doctor's supervision.