How to Keep an Ileostomy Wafer Dry During a Shower
Find a bag that is large enough to fit over and around the wafer. Confirm a good fit by placing the open end of the plastic bag around the skin surrounding the ileostomy wafer. If the bag comfortably covers the area of the skin around the wafer, without touching the wafer, it is the proper size. Ensure the plastic bag has no holes to prevent water from leaking into the bag.
Prepare the skin around the wafer. Use skin prep pads, small pads that contain a gel-like substance that allows things to stick to skin more easily, to prepare the area of skin that surrounds the ileostomy wafer. Open the skin prep pad and gently rub the skin surrounding the wafer with the pad. Allow the gel to dry completely. This will help the tape stick to the skin and prevent leaks.
Attach the plastic bag. Use medical tape to attach the plastic bag to the skin surrounding the wafer. Tape one side of the bag to the skin at a time starting with the bottom and working up. Tape the bag completely around the area of skin surrounding the wafer. It may take several strips of tape for each side to ensure no water will leak into the bag.
Check the plastic bag to make sure it is secure. Gently tug on the end of the bag looking for holes or gaps along each edge of the bag. If holes or gaps are seen use additional medical tape to close the openings. Close all of the gaps then re-check the bag.
Remove the plastic bag after the shower is complete. Start at the top of the bag and gently pull the medical tape away from the skin. Continue removing the medical tape until the it comes off. Remove the plastic bag from the skin and dispose of the bag. The plastic bag can be reused if it is allowed to completely dry and all pieces of medical taped are removed.