Is Grunting a Symptom of Acid Reflux?
Other Names
Acid reflux is also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn and acid regurgitation.
What is "Acid?"
The "acid" part of the disorder is in reference to the digestive juices rising into the stomach and then esophagus. This can also cause a burning sensation in the chest or throat.
Common Symptom in Adults
The most common symptom of acid reflux in adults is frequent heartburn, which is usually experienced as a burning pain in the midchest or midabdomen.
Common Symptoms in Children
Children under 12 years old with GERD usually don't experience heartburn. However, they may suffer from a dry cough, problems swallowing or respiratory problems similar to asthma.
Acid reflux is treatable with a combination of lifestyle changes (such as not smoking or eating fatty foods), over-the-counter antacids, and if needed, prescription medications.