What Is Systemic Yeast?
Candida albicans and systemic yeast is usually kept in balance by the body's good bacteria (See reference 1 below.) However, an overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids or a poor diet can spur an overgrowth of candida albicans, which can lead to a systemic yeast infestation.
Types of Symptoms
A systemic yeast infestation can cause adverse symptoms such as external yeast infections, migraines, gastritis and even autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis. (See reference 1 below)
Excess yeast from candida overgrowth can cause more severe symptoms if it is not treated properly. A person may develop symptoms in multiple organs which can drastically effect their health and physical well being. (See reference 3 below)
A person can treat excess candida and systemic yeast by changing their diet and taking probiotics or "friendly" bacteria to boost natural bacteria levels in their digestive tract. Colon cleanses are also highly effective in eliminating systemic yeast.
A healthy diet low in sugar and high in fiber and vegetable intake can usually help prevent candida albicans overgrowth and systemic yeast.