Five Day Colon Cleanse Recipes
Lemonade Diet
This is a controversial cleanse that can last five to 10 days. It consists of drinking one-half of a fresh squeezed lemon's juice in eight to 10 ounces of hot or cold water, with one tablespoon of Grade A, 100 percent pure maple syrup and a pinch of powdered cayenne pepper. Make two quarts and put in a thermos to drink throughout the day.
Keep at least a quart of water on hand to drink through the day to help dispel hunger pangs. Sipping the lemon, cayenne and syrup is supposed to provide enough calories and help the body adjust to not having any food. This is a heart-healthy drink anytime. Fresh lemon keeps build-up from forming in the arteries. Lemon, cayenne, and water are all beneficial for good heart health.
This step might be unpleasant to some, but necessary to flush out the colon. Add two teaspoons of sea salt in one quart of warm water in the evening and drink it all at once. Sipping is fine, but some people prefer to take it all in one or two big gulps in an effort to bypass the salty taste. Drink it as fast as you can and at night when you have a restroom nearby.
Vegetable Juices
Nourish, calm and heal your body, while repairing and cleansing the colon, with this five-day vegetable fast.
Buy a cheap juicer at a garage sale or thrift shop to do this fast every so often. For one serving, juice six ounces of celery, add one ounce of wheatgrass juice, one ounce of spinach juice, one ounce of cabbage juice and one ounce of parsley and/or alfalfa sprouts.
Make enough to sip through the day and drink approximately two quarts of water each day as well. Combine this diet with an enema for fast-acting cleaning, if desired.
It is important to drink freshly made juices the same day they are made.
Total Colon Cleanse
Blend two tablespoons of flaxseed, half of a banana, half of a ripe papaya and two tablespoons of wheat powder or barley grass. Add two tablespoons of acidophilus and two cups of purified water.
Sip this drink along with plenty of pure water for five days.
Tea Recipe
This warm tea will increase the digestive tract circulation, promote healing, and relieve gas, bloating and cramping.
Grate 1/4-inch or one tablespoon of ginger root, add one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of chamomile and one teaspoon of peppermint. Boil one-and-a-half cups of water and steep the mixture for 15 minutes. Drink several cups through the day along with plenty of purified water.
Carrot Vegetable Juice Recipe
This is a cheap, simple, powerful healing juice according to Dr. Richard Schulze (see Reference 2). For two to seven days, drink fresh carrot juice along with other vegetables and wheat or barley grass.
Make sure you can tolerate carrots. If not, use another vegetable low in sugar, like cabbage or grasses.
A cup of juice must contain at least two of any combination of carrots, fresh celery, tomato, cucumber, green pepper, ginger, beets, wheat or barley grass, or dark green vegetables like spinach and parsley. Use the following whole fruits in one or two glasses each day, not peeled or seeded: apples, lemons, oranges, apricots, or pears. The seeds contain laetrile, vitamin B-17.
Brown or wilted celery is toxic, so make certain all the items are fresh and preferably organic.
Clean Eating
Try this for five days to three weeks. Eat simple meals of raw (or barely steamed) fresh, non-starchy vegetables, hard low sugar fruits like apples and pears and whole grain organic brown rice. Use only cold-pressed oils like flaxseed and lemon juice with fresh spices, onions, and garlic to enhance taste.
Eat lots of raw green salads, lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, with carrots, celery, raw mushrooms, tomatoes and cucumber. The addition of flax eeds will increase the fiber and help with elimination.
Eliminate alcohol or fermented foods, animal fats and processed foods, MSG, dairy including eggs and meat proteins.
Starchy vegetables to avoid include corn, lentils, potatoes and beans.
A noticeable change will occur in your bowels within the first 24 hours.