How to Use Herbal Colon Cleanse with Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis is an inflammation caused by fecal matter caught in the pouches of the intestinal walls. Several different types of harmful bacteria are present within this decaying, undigested matter and can cause uncomfortable symptoms in some people. Symptoms may include abdominal pain in the lower left side, cramping, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills or a change in bowel habits. This retained debris in the colon can lead to a re-absorption of toxins, resulting in systemic poisoning. Untreated, it may require colostomy surgery. Diverticulitis has responded favorably to antibiotics, bed rest, high-fiber diets and herbal colon cleanses, as recommended in this five-step, seven-day program by Dr. Hulda Clark.Instructions
Colon Cleanse in Five Steps
Take 400 mg tablets of betaine hydrochloride three times a day after meals. This converts into hydrochloric acid to further aid digestion, allowing the absorption of more food nutrients. It also kills Clostridium bacteria.
Take two 720 mg capsules of tumeric three times a day with water to reduce Shigella and E. Coli bacteria. Tumeric has antibiotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Take burdock, echinacea, horsetail and licorice to improve the quality of intestinal mucus, enhance microcirculation of the intestinal lining, and for their bacterial detoxification properties. Take as directed on each label.
Take two capsules of fennel three times a day as directed on the label to restore the acid/alkaline balance of the colon, promote healing, relieve abdominal pain and gas, for its anti-spasmodic properties, to flush the colon and to release waste.
Take fenugreek, lobelia, and yarrow as directed to lubricate and heal the intestinal walls, loosen and flush mucus from the colon, and reduce symptoms of colitis and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).