How to Cure a Nervous Stomach
Do you frequently get a queasy upset stomach? There never seems to be any pain or vomiting; however, the upset stomach and loss of appetite are disconcerting enough. Long called a nervous stomach many doctors refer to the condition as irritable bowel syndrome. It can be difficult to cure a nervous stomach since the triggers vary so much between individuals; nevertheless, there are some general steps which help most people to cure a nervous stomach.Instructions
Try to avoid or minimize stress. Honestly assess your life and try to determine what situations most upset you.
Eat smaller more frequent meals. Large heavy meals tend to cause more abdominal bloating and fullness all of which lead to a nervous stomach.
Avoid caffeinated products. Chocolate, coffee and colas may be pleasing to your palate; however, caffeine is a stimulant and can frequently contribute to a nervous stomach.
Keep a detailed food diary to document what foods seem to cause your abdominal symptoms. For some people it's greasy fried foods while for others it's spicy foods. Modifying your diet is the easiest way to cure a nervous stomach.
Begin taking an OTC lactobacillus supplement daily. By promoting a balance of healthy bacteria in your intestines you often can reduce the symptoms of a nervous stomach as well as bloating, flatulence and constipation.
Buy peppermint oil capsules in a health food store. Usually well tolerated peppermint oil has been demonstrated in medical studies to actually help reduce or cure a nervous stomach.
Incorporate relaxation techniques into your life. Choose yoga, meditation or regular exercise to help alleviate stress and deal with a nervous stomach.