Gas Relief for Children
Pressure on the Stomach
The primary way to relive gas pain in children is to apply pressure to the stomach. Sometimes, it may be as simple as lying a child across your lap, stomach down, and patting her back. This works especially well for newborns. If the child is light enough to go over your shoulder, you can make sure that gravity works to press her stomach against the bones in your shoulder, which should apply the necessary pressure. Older children can bend over the side of a couch or another sturdy object to apply pressure to their stomachs themselves. If simple pressure doesn't work, try using the "upside-down U" method, in which you massage up the right side of the child's stomach, across the top of the stomach and down the left side of the child's stomach. This can move the gas bubble along the intestines more effectively.
Infants who are suffering from gas problems may benefit from Mylicon, or a similar brand of simethicone drops. These drops are even safe for newborns. If an older child has gas problems, ask the pediatrician about using a different type of gas medicine, such as Children's Gas-X Tongue Twisters. These medicines can help to break up the gas bubbles and bring your child relief.
When all else fails, try applying warmth to your child's stomach. For example, you may want to encourage your child to take a warm bath and lie with her stomach in the water. Alternatively, your child may prefer to stand in the shower with a warm stream of water aimed on her stomach. Because it is not always practical to step into the bath when experiencing gas pains, consider keeping a safe heating pad or a hot water bottle on hand for your child to use on her stomach.