How to Get Rid of LRP Mucus in the Throat
Getting Rid of Mucus
Drink plenty of water and warm liquids like tea and soup, as this will help thin secretions and make them easier to expel.
Reduce or eliminate your intake of dairy foods. They contain a protein that promotes and thickens mucus.
Eat foods that will break down mucus. These include cayenne pepper, horseradish, wasabi and hot mustard. You can eat as much as you can handle.
Use steam to break up and expel mucus from the throat. Take a hot shower, use the steam room at the gym or pour boiling water into a bowl and breathe in the steam. Place a towel over your head to trap it. Adding a few drops of an essential oil like eucalyptus or sage to the bowl can enhance the benefit. Check with your doctor before using a steam room, as it is not appropriate for people with certain medical conditions.
Do not suppress coughs that are bringing up mucus. This will help clear it from the body. If you have a dry cough that does not expel secretions, it is okay to use a cough suppressant.
Properly Managing LRD to Reduce Symptoms
Take all medications as directed. You will probably take a proton pump inhibitor medication that will reduce acid production and keep it from moving up the throat. Take it 30 minutes to one hour before eating for optimal results.
Eat a proper diet that reduces acid build-up. Do not drink coffee, carbonated drinks or acidic juices. Eat a low-fat diet void of fried and spicy foods. Stay away from chocolate and mints.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Do not eat within three hours of going to sleep.
Raise the head of your bed about six inches if you find your reflux is worse when you wake up; this indicates you primarily experience problems during the night. Raising the headboard will position your body in a way that will make it difficult for the acid to travel up while you sleep. Using pillows under your head is not an adequate substitute and can worsen the problem.