What Is the PH of Stomach or Gastric Acid?
The pH Scale
The pH scale measures the acidity of a substance, from 1 to 14. A pH of seven is considered neutral. Any number less than that is acidic, and any number higher is a base.
Stomach Acid pH
The pH of stomach acid, or gastric acid, is usually between 1.5 and 3.5.
Abnormal pH
A healthy stomach acid pH level is vital in proper digestion. The stomach is lined to prevent damage from the acidic fluid, but if the stomach fluid is too acidic it can cause ulcers and other conditions. If the pH is too high, the fluid will not be able to properly digest food.
The way to learn the pH of your stomach acid is through a stomach acid test. During this test, a tube is placed down the esophagus in order to collect the stomach fluid. The fluid’s pH is then tested.
Why pH is Tested
Doctors may perform a stomach acid test for several reasons. These can include finding the cause of ulcers and malabsorption, to see if anti-ulcer medications are working, and to check if food is coming back up from the small intestine.