What Is Floradix
Your body needs iron to produce red blood cells, according to tlcinabottle.co.uk. When your iron supply is low, the red blood cells in your body have less oxygen than normal. Many people do not get enough iron from their diet. It is recommend that women in North America consume 18 milligrams of iron daily, but the average woman gets only six milligrams for every 1,000 calories consumed.
People with an iron deficiency generally feel tired or lethargic. They lack physical endurance and have difficulty concentrating. They are often pale and have dark circles under their eyes. They also are more susceptible to infection, according to goodnessdirect.co.uk. Iron deficiency is more common in women because “menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding tax their iron stores,” according to Floradix.net. Vegetarians are at an increased risk of developing an iron deficiency because red meat is good source of iron.
If you don’t get enough iron from your diet, Floradix works as an additional source. A 20-milligram dose of Floradix will supply your recommended daily allowance of iron. Floradix is made from a very absorbable form of iron called iron gluconate. It is also a good source of vitamins B and C and is made with “herbal extracts to increase digestion, and fruit juices to ensure proper stomach acidity,” according to Floradix.net.
Floradix is made mostly from fruit concentrates, carrots, ocean kelp, fennel, nettles, spinach, blossom, African mallow and quick roots. It also contains water, blackcurrent juice, cherry, blackberry, red beet, lemon, apple, grape, carob extract and honey. Other ingredients are rosehip soft extract, wheat germ extract and yeast, according to goodnessdirect.co.uk.
Floradix is safe to take as a long-term supplement. It will not cause your body to store excess iron, according to tlcinabottle.co.uk. However, you should be careful not to exceed your recommended daily allowance of iron. The amount of oxygen in your blood should return to normal about two to three weeks after you start taking Floradix, but it can take six months “to replenish iron stores to acceptable levels,” according to Floradix.net.