Hemangioma Diet
Foods to Include
A balanced and nutrition-rich diet is key to a living well with a hemangioma. In essence, eat foods and take supplements that enhance your liver's health and function, and steer clear of anything that can further damage your liver.
Help your liver clear the toxins from your body, and aid in digestion, two of this organ's main functions. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits each day. Garlic and onions are well-proven to help detoxify the body, and are also effective diuretics, which help flush excess fluids from the body. Make sure your diet for hemangioma is low in salt for the same reason—to prevent the build-up of excess fluid in the abdomen.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, broccoli rabe, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage and radishes can help detoxify the body. These vegetables also stimulate enzyme production, which helps aid in digestion.
Fruits high in antioxidants—such as all forms of berries, or oranges, plums and grapes—have powerful disease-fighting properties and are packed with many vitamins and minerals.
Because a liver hemangioma can make you feel full fast, make sure you eat high-quality protein, such as that found in fish and white meat poultry without the skin on. Your diet for hemangioma should also be low in fat.
Eat complex carbohydrates such as brown rich and enriched pasta to help give your body enough fuel as well as nutrients. These foods are also palatable and easily digestible, a plus if you suffer from nausea due to your hemangioma.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid processed foods high in salt and sugar. Also steer clear of any high-fructose corn syrup, which studies have shown can cause severe liver damage. In addition, omit alcohol, which causes liver disease and toxicity. In general, avoid putting any extra strain on your liver.
Living with a liver hemangioma can be a challenge, but a well-balanced diet for hemangioma can do a great deal to ease your symptoms and keep you healthy.