How to Understand Stomach Acid Levels
Determine if your stomach acid levels are out-of-wack. This can be done by assessing if you have any constant or reoccurring digestive problems, such as acid reflux or indigestion, both which are caused by acid levels that are either too high or too low.
Start keeping a food diary. Write down the food you consume, along with how you feel after consuming it, so you can better understand what foods will upset your level of stomach acid.
Know common triggers that raise acid levels and contribute to acidity. Certain foods can increase acidity of the stomach or raise levels by making your stomach produce more acid. Common triggers are acidic fruits and vegetables, like oranges and tomatoes, fried foods or foods high in fat, and dairy.
Smoking and consuming alcohol can raise stomach acid levels. Both damage the lining of the stomach, which leads to excess acid production. Take note if you indulge in either of these habits frequently and if refraining from them makes your stomach problems go away.
If you have constant heartburn, gas, indigestion or acid reflux, talk with your doctor to figure out why your levels may be off. It could be a number of afflictions such as GERD or a hiatal hernia.