Remedy for Excess Stomach Gas
Causes for Excess Stomach Gas
One common way to cure excess stomach gas is by eating peppermint or taking peppermint capsules. Peppermint is known for soothing an upset stomach, calming irritable bowel syndrome and aiding digestion. You can either chew or drink the fresh peppermint leaves. If you chew the leaves only have one or two at a time. The best way to ingest peppermint is to prepare a tea. To do this, pour one cup of boiling water over 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves. Steep the leaves in the water for 10 minutes and then strain the cup. Another way to create the tea is by adding one or two drops of peppermint oil into a cup of water. If you prefer to take the peppermint in a capsule form take two capsules per day for the best results. Be mindful that while peppermint can help relieve excess gas, it can also cause heartburn.
Another way to eliminate trouble in your tummy is to eat frequent and smaller meals, instead of the standard three large meals a day. The larger the meal, the harder it is for your stomach to digest. If you eat smaller meals it will reduce the amount of bacteria in your stomach, which produces the gas, according to the National Digestive Diseases Clearinghouse.
There are several medications you can take to eliminate gas. Pepto-Bismol is probably the most popular medication for stomach gas. Take a tablespoon of the "pink stuff" after a meal. Other good medications and supplements for flatulence include Beano, simethicone, activated charcoal, Betaine hydrochloric acid and Nux vomica.
The most obvious way to avoid suffering from flatulence is by cutting certain foods out of your diet--particularly junk foods. Foods such as bacon, bagels, bran, corn chips, fruit juice, pastries, pretzels, popcorn, and potato chips can cause stomach gas and have little nutritional value. Milk products can also cause flatulence. Many people have a hard time digesting lactose, a sugar found in milk. If you think you are lactose intolerant you can either eliminate these products from your diet or start taking Lactaid, which has a special enzyme that breaks down the sugar in milk products, according to The Independent.
If the pain in your abdomen is severe you should see a doctor. Stomach pain and gas can sometimes indicate conditions that need medical attention including ulcers and gallstones.