How Do I Know If I Am Spitting Up Bile or If it Is Acid Reflux?
Acid Reflux
When stomach acids that are intended to aid digestion flow in reverse and enter the esophagus, this is known as acid reflux. According to the Mayo Clinic website, when acid reflux happens frequently and interferes with a person's daily activities, this condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. GERD is usually treated by lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, eliminating caffeine and fried foods from the diet, avoiding alcohol and nicotine, as well as over-the-counter antacids. More serious cases may require the use of prescription drugs. Only in the most severe cases might surgery be recommended.
Bile Reflux
Bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver, can also cause reflux, although according to a study by the National Institutes of Health, this is less common than acid reflux. Symptoms of bile reflux are similar to acid reflux, although bile reflux is more likely to cause nausea and vomiting. Also, bile reflux can inflame the lining of the stomach, causing gastritis, but acid reflux cannot. Bile reflux, unlike acid reflux, cannot be treated by lifestyle changes. Bile reflux is usually treated with prescription medications, or in more difficult cases, surgery.
Distinguishing Between the Two Conditions
Telling the difference between bile reflux and acid reflux can be difficult as they usually produce similar symptoms and may occur simultaneously. The only way to know for certain is through medical tests. One procedure often used, according to the Mayo Clinic, is an ambulatory acid test. This test is able to detect acid in the esophagus and would be negative for people with bile reflux. Although testing is the only way to be sure whether you have acid reflux, bile reflux or some combination, both can lead to potentially serious conditions, such as GERD. If you believe you have either acid reflux or bile reflux, you should seek the advice of your doctor.