What Is Porcine Pancreatin?
Source and Composition
Pancreatin can be manufactured from the pancreas of either a pig or a cow, though porcine pancreatin is, of course, made only from the pancreas of a pig. It contains the digestive enzymes amylase, protease and lipase.
The enzymes that comprise pancreatin break down fats, starches and proteins into their component parts, which the body can then digest. Without these enzymes (normally produced by the human pancreas), a substantial portion of ingested food simply passes through the digestive tract and provides no nutritional benefit.
The "Nurse's Drug Handbook 2010" recommends the use of pancreatin to treat "pancreatic insufficiency, including steatorrhea," an excess of fat in stools. Pancreatin is commonly used to treat patients suffering from cystic fibrosis, since pancreatic insufficiency was, before the widespread use of enzyme therapy, a leading cause of death during the early years among the cystic fibrosis-affected population. Other uses have been promoted by various naturopathic groups, but the efficacy of these treatments has not yet been proven.
Since porcine pancreatin is made from a pig pancreas, it is not appropriate for those observing a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, or for those who, for religious reasons, are prohibited from consuming pork. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about this, as there may be other treatment options, depending on your condition.
Do not take porcine pancreatin if you are allergic to pork. If you have been told to open pancreatin caplets and sprinkle them on your food (because you can't swallow the caplets), take care not to inhale any of the powder. Doing so can cause chest tightness and difficulty breathing. Do not take antacids containing calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide while taking pancreatin. Doing so will substantially reduce pancreatin's effectiveness.