How to Treat Colic in an Adult
An average American's diet includes compounds, chemicals and medicines that often harm the nutritional and bacteriological balance that must be present in the digestive system in order to create and maintain digestive well-being. Additionally, most processed foods do not introduce into the digestive process the enzymes and probiotics needed for the body to completely break down foods and absorb nutrients. Certain supplements can significantly aid in creating and maintaining digestive health in adults.
Things You'll Need
- Organic probiotic supplements
- Organic enzyme supplements
- Organic dark leafy vegetables
- Natural fruit and vegetable juices
Supplementation and Dietary Changes to Treat Adult Colic
Identify supplements that contain naturally occurring or organic probiotics. Introduce these supplements into your digestive system according to the manufacturer's instructions. Probiotics such as acidophilus and bifidus are bacteria that reside in the lower digestive system. These positive bacteria are needed for the body to break down and absorb nutrients from food. Talk with your local health food or nutritional supplement store clerk to identify products with a positive reputation.
Take supplements containing naturally occurring or organic food enzymes. Enzymes are present in natural foods, organic produce and unprocessed grains. They aid the body in the process of digesting food. Often, colic in adults is a result of the low enzyme count in foods that are processed, packaged and frozen.
Add produce, dark leafy vegetables and whole, unprocessed grains to your diet. These foods are high in enzymes and will aid digestive health. The government nutritional pyramid recommends five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Organic foods contain more enzymes and probiotics than the non-organic variety, so eat them on a regular basis to contribute to better overall health and a more balanced digestive health.
Drink one serving per day of a natural fruit or fruit and vegetable juice blend. The same benefits that can be obtained from organic produce are available in organic fruit and vegetable juices. Pick from dark fruits, such as cherries, blueberries or pomegranates. Juices from carrots, beets, cucumbers and squash are also high in nutrients for digestive health and naturally sweet.