Is Gallbladder Surgery Necessary?
Gallstones are a frequent complaint, especially among women over 50. Once symptoms appear, surgery is usually indicated.
Symptoms include sudden pain in the upper right abdomen, pain in the center of the abdomen just below the breastbone, pain between shoulder blades or pain under the right shoulder.
Gallstones may be discovered during a test done for another condition, such as an ultrasound or a computed tomography (CT) scan. Gallstones that don't cause signs and symptoms don't usually require treatment.
Gallbladder surgery may be a medical necessity. Untreated gallbladder disease can lead to infection or severe inflammation of the pancreas, which can be life-threatening.
If signs of a serious gallstone complication develop, seek medical care immediately. Symptoms include abdominal pain so intense that a comfortable position cannot be found, a high fever, chills or yellowing of the skin or eyes.