Dietary Changes to the Human Diet to Eliminate Colitis
Avoid Red Meat
Although red meat is a source of protein in a normal daily diet, it is also the source of fat and other elements that can make colitis worse. Therefore, red meats should be limited or even eliminated completely from your diet in order to treat colitis through dietary means. Protein can be put back into your diet through other food sources or even supplements.
A Purely Vegan Diet
Healthcastle Nutrition reports that the best diet for those suffering from colitis is a purely vegan diet. A vegan diet consists of only raw fruits and vegetables. Vegetables can also be steamed if preferred. Some vegetables that should be avoided include those in the cabbage family such as broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, lentils and cabbage. These vegetables should be avoided because they are known to produce gas. The buildup of gas can actually cause colitis to worsen and become more painful in people who suffer from this condition.
Liquid Consumption
Those with colitis should also make sure to consume the daily recommended amount of water every day. This helps to prevent constipation, which in turn helps to naturally heal colitis symptoms. Those who are lactose intolerant should be sure to avoid drinking or eating any dairy products to avoid irritating colitis conditions. Also, those suffering from colitis should attempt to avoid caffeine and drinks with certain types of sugars in them. Alcohol is another drink that should be limited or eliminated from the diet of colitis sufferers in order to help naturally heal symptoms through changes in the diet.