What Are the Causes of Excess Belching?
Belching can be lessened if you eat and drink slowly, do not chew gum, stop smoking and avoid talking while eating, as all of these actions can lead to swallowing excess amounts of air.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the esophagus is filled with backed-up acid from the stomach, which can cause excessive swallowing, which, in turn, can ultimately lead to belching.
Other medical conditions that can cause excess belching include peptic ulcers and an inflamed stomach lining, or gastritis.
Not all reasons for belching are strictly medical. Swallowing air can be a nervous habit in some people, ultimately leading to excessive gas and belching.
Carbonated drinks and some alcoholic beverages, such as beer, contain large amounts of carbon dioxide gas, which can cause belching.