Emergency Reflux Pain Relief
There are several immediate remedies for acid reflux in liquid form. In general, the effect of these drinks is to dull the pain that results from acid reflux and possibly prevent acid reflux from occurring.
The most straightforward cure for acid reflux is to take a drink of water. Not only does a glass of water dilute the acid in your stomach, making for a lesser burning sensation in the case of reflux, but it also helps wash down anything in your esophagus that is on its way up. Healthcare professionals recommend a glass of milk for dealing with the pain of acid reflux and accompanying heartburn. You can drink either whole or skim milk as both will help neutralize the contents of your stomach.
Chamomile or fennel tea also helps soothe the pain caused by acid reflux and regurgitation. The tea should not be drunk too quickly and should be at room temperature, rather than scalding hot or freezing cold. A few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar also can help prevent acid reflux from recurring. It can combat an acute attack if taken undiluted, but drink it diluted as a preventative measure.
Any food that you eat to help combat the symptoms of acid reflux should be chewed well before swallowing. Saliva produced by the chewing action also helps dilute your stomach contents and thus aids in alleviating the pain of acid reflux. This means that chewing gum after meals can help decrease the effects of acid reflux because saliva is being produced.
Eating almonds after meals and whenever you feel acid reflux being triggered has been hailed as the new miracle acid reflux treatment. Not only does it help dull the pain caused by reflux, it also helps prevent further instances of acid reflux occurring. Eating an apple at these times also can help alleviate the effects. Candied ginger is also helpful and should be chewed whenever you feel the reflux kicking in. If you don't like the taste, let it sit in your tea before you drink it to get the benefits without having the strong ginger taste.