How to Get Rid of Alcohol Breath
Things You'll Need
- Menthol cough drops
- Onion
- Garlic
- Coffee
- Gum
- Breath mints
- Activated willow charcoal
- Bentonite powder
Eliminate alcohol breath
Do not mix drinks. Sticking with one drink will make eliminating the alcohol smell easier, since you will only have to work to disguise one smell as opposed to a mixture of vodka, wine, beer and whiskey all together.
Suck on a menthol cough drop. This strong smell will disguise any booze remnants on your breath.
Eat foods with strong flavors, such as garlic or onion. Wash it down with coffee to add another scent on top of your already aromatic breath. Since you are likely going to burp, which will bring the smell of alcohol up again, ensuring you have food in your stomach will help.
Chew gum with strong mint or fruit flavors, or suck on breath fresheners like Altoids or Listerine strips.
Take activated willow charcoal to remove the alcohol from your system, thus resolving the alcohol breath. Mix it with bentonite powder and juice.