Home Remedy Treatment for Diarrhea
Diarrhea can quickly dehydrate the body as essential fluids and minerals are lost during the frequent trips to the bathroom. Water is the best home treatment for diarrhea, as it replaces those lost fluids. Add a small pinch of salt and sugar to your water to replace minerals and glucose.
Rehydration drinks like Gatorade can also replace electrolytes and hydrate your body. Drink fruit juice with a little salt and sugar added for diarrhea.
The amount of food you eat is not as important as the amount of fluid you take in when you have diarrhea. Drink these fluids liberally throughout the day.
Clear Liquid Diet
A clear liquid diet includes beverages you can see through. Drink broth if you don't feel like eating anything that may upset your stomach further. Add some gelatin to your diet for a little substance. Eating with diarrhea is perfectly fine, but you may not feel up to it. Add foods slowly to your diet until you feel better again.
Eating a clear liquid diet during diarrhea gives your system a chance to recuperate from the illness. When you feel better, add foods that are easily digestible, such as plain white rice and applesauce. Only eat if you feel up to it and don't force yourself to eat while you are still experiencing diarrhea.
Foods to Avoid and Medications
Doctors recommend a clear diet, but you may feel a little hungry when you have diarrhea. The temptation to eat foods that could make the problem worse because you are hungry might overtake you. There is no harm in eating when you have diarrhea as long as you stay away from foods that can aggravate the condition. Avoid pasta, breads and foods containing wheat.
Dairy products are often the cause of diarrhea. Stay away from these foods until the diarrhea has passed. Dairy products may make your condition worse.
Products available over the counter will stop your diarrhea. Doctors now believe that it is best to allow your diarrhea to continue. Use these products if you must leave your home.