Ways to Ease Colonoscopy Prep
Whether you are using sodium phosphate tablets, phospho-soda or Golytely for your colonoscopy prep, you can make the experience easier, but first you need to know what to expect from your preparation steps.
If you are using Golytely, be aware that this involves drinking a lot of water and having diarrhea. You will get a prescription powder from your doctor and mix it with water. You will drink eight ounces of the mixture every 10 minutes until either your fecal elimination is clear or the mixture is gone. Expect to feel nauseated, and for this you can take anti-nausea medication. If your fecal elimination does not become clear, your physician may have to administer an enema.
Phospho-soda is another colonoscopy preparation that involves water, a laxative and an enema. Elimination should come in the form of a bowel movement rather than the diarrhea associated with the Golytely preparation. The bowel movement may occur at any time between 30 minutes after the mixture is taken and six hours later.
Sodium phosphate preparation involves a liquid diet for 12 hours before taking prescription tablets. There are side effects from the sodium phosphate preparation, such as bloating, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea.
Once you know what to expect from each particular preparation, you should consider other options for making the process more comfortable. For example, instead of using toilet paper, consider using wet wipes on your bottom. You will become very sore, and wet wipes are gentler than rough toilet paper. Also, keep other clear liquids around, because you will get bored with water. Clear liquids such as flavored water are fine while prepping for a colonoscopy.
You can also ease the preparation experience by being proactive. Know that you may spend the majority of the day in the bathroom, so have items such as books, magazines and crossword puzzles in the bathroom. Do not plan any activities or schedule any appointments the day before or the day of your colonoscopy.
Most important to ease the preparation experience is to read the doctor's instructions carefully and follow them exactly. The last thing you want to do is repeat the process, so perform it correctly the first time.