What Is the Substance In Our Stomachs That Causes Indigestion?
The Role of Gastric Acid
Gastric acid breaks down the particles of food we swallow to allow them to pass easily from the stomach into the small intestine where the bulk of nutrient absorption occurs. The gastric acid breaks down food proteins releasing nutrients that are absorbed as the food makes its way through the small intestine.
As the name implies, gastric acid is very acidic, meaning it has a very low pH. The gastric acid in our stomach is so strong that it can dissolve a raw steak in a matter of a few hours. It's the strong acidic nature of our gastric acid that breaks down the food we eat.
The amount of gastric acid our stomach requires is very precise. Sometimes our bodies make too much gastric acid. Because gastric acid is so strong, too much acid irritates the lining of our stomach, causing the burning and pain of indigestion.
There are ways to treat indigestion. Either the gastric acid has to be made less acidic or the stomach has to produce less acid. Liquid and chewable antacids decrease the strength or acidity of the stomach acid produced by the stomach. In some cases, prescription medications can be taken each day to decrease the amount of gastric acid being produced.
Recurring Indigestion
If you have indigestion more than a couple times each month, call your doctor to discuss ways to control your gastric acid and relieve your indigestion.