How to Detect Candida
Have a medical candida test performed. The test will require two office visits: one to have blood drawn and another to review the results. After analyzing the results, your doctor will recommend a treatment program for you.
Take an online candida test. If you cannot find a qualified physician in your area, you may order a candida test online through a health web site such as Functional Health Tests. Several tests are available, ranging in price from $100 to $385. The test will be sent to you and you will send the requested specimen to a lab. The specimen may be a urine or stool sample, blood, or a vaginal or throat culture.
Take a home candida test. The candida saliva test is a free and easy way to check for the presence of candida. Immediately upon waking, spit into a full class of clean water. Do not brush your teeth or have anything to drink before performing the test. Wait about three minutes and check the saliva. Healthy saliva will remain clear and will slowly dissolve into the water. If you have a candida overgrowth, you will notice strings sinking to the bottom of the glass, cloudy saliva that slowly sinks, or cloudy specks in the water. The more strings, specks, or cloudiness, the greater the presence of candida.