What Are the Causes of Nausea & Heartburn?
Nausea causes us to feel as if we need to vomit. At times, nausea can be short-lived, other times it may become chronic. Heartburn (or indigestion) is characterized by a burning in the center of the chest or a burning in the back of the throat.
A gallstone forms when certain chemicals become solid deposits in the gall bladder. Although they can be there for months or years without producing any symptoms, gallstones can cause abdominal pain and digestive disturbances. Some of the symptoms of gallstones are abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion, and vomiting.
Hiatal Hernia
A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach pushes out of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest and the abdomen. This can result in symptoms such as heartburn, gas, abdominal pain, reflux and an increase in symptoms after eating.
Food Poisoning
A common cause of nausea is food poisoning. Food poisoning occurs due to bacteria found in food. The symptoms of food poisoning may be nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, bloody stool, weakness and dehydration.
Short-term nausea and heartburn may not be a cause for concern and can be relieved by the use of over-the-counter medications. If symptoms persist, it is important to see your doctor. This will help to ensure a proper diagnosis and effective treatment plan.