How to Kill Colon Parasites
Things You'll Need
- Blender
- Herbs
- Garlic
- Raw foods
Stop feeding parasites. Take this step first before you consider killing the parasites. Get your body ready for this elimination process. Make them weaker by avoiding the foods that they love: starchy foods, sugar, meats, pork, junk foods, sodas and refined food products. Drink purified or distilled water, six to eight glasses daily, and eat raw salads before each meal to start cleansing them from your system.
Take a series of short, three-day fasts over a period of 30 days if you've never fasted before. This cleanses the system and begins to starve colon parasites. After a series of these short, three-day fasts, wait a week, and then go on a more intense seven-day fast. During the fast, take 1 tbsp. of organic cider vinegar and 1 tsp. of raw honey three or four times daily to eliminate toxins. Your body destroys the parasites as your colon is purified.
Go on a pure juice fast. Intake as much vegetable juice as you want throughout the day. Add an apple for taste when using predominantly greens. Also, try organic raw celery and carrots for juicing; juice fasts are good for purifying the intestines and driving poisons from your colon, such as parasites.
Eat nothing but raw organic solid foods for two weeks or longer; avoid any cooked foods. Provide a pure intestinal environment, and worms or parasites will die off and be expelled from the colon naturally. Stop putting impure foods into your body, and it becomes uninhabitable for parasites to live.
Take garlic supplements or raw garlic gloves to kill parasites. Allicin is found in garlic and is considered a natural enemy against colon parasites. Garlic destroys them with prolonged use by cleansing the intestines of bacteria, in general, and parasites, in particular.
Take an herbal cleanse to kill colon parasites. Drink it as a tea or take in supplement form; some herbs to try are goldenseal, black walnut or barberry. Take for up to seven days and stop. Resume after no less than three days. These herbs are powerful and aren't to be taken for long periods of time as you do with regular teas. Consult a medical doctor, naturopath or alternative licensed practitioner before and during use.