How to Cure Stomach Aches Without Medicine

According to TeensHealth, stomach pain makes you aware that something is occurring inside of you that you may not be aware of. There are many factors that can contribute to stomach pain, such as infections (bacterial or viral), constipation, body inflammation and irritation, food reactions, reproductive issues (menstrual problems), emotional distress and anatomical problems (hernia or Crohn's disease). It is not always necessary to take medications for stomach aches. You can cure your stomach pain by using the appropriate natural products and techniques.


  1. Curing Stomach Aches Naturally

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      Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily if you are suffering from constipation and stomach cramps. Reduce your caffeine and cola beverage intake. Because caffeine is a diuretic, it forces the formation of urine, which can rapidly deplete your water supply. If you get food poisoning or viral infections, drink clear liquids such as water until the problem dissipates.

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      Limit the amount of lactose (milk sugar) you consume. If you are lactose intolerant, drinking even a small amount of milk can result in gas, diarrhea and stomach cramps. To decipher if you are lactose intolerant, do not eat any dairy products for three days. After that, include an 8-ounce glass of skim milk to your diet. Slowly start adding back dairy products (e.g., nonfat yogurt) to your diet. If you begin to cramp again during this stage, the dairy products may be causing the problem.

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      Buy Lactaid products if you are lactose intolerant. Lactaid contains the digestive enzyme lactase, which the body needs to break down the foods you eat. The product can be purchased in liquid or pill form.

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      Add a quarter cup of Miller bran or other fiber supplement (e.g., Metamucil or Citrucel) each morning to your oatmeal. Fiber supplements soften your stool and alleviate constipation. When taking fiber supplements, drink plenty of fluids every day to keep your constipation from worsening. According to the Mayo Clinic, if you have intestinal issues, see your physician before incorporating fiber supplements into your diet. If you are taking any medications, ask your physician or pharmacist if it is safe to take fiber supplements.

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      Control your stress level with relaxation techniques. Walk or jog at least three days a week for 30 minutes at a time, or learn biofeedback techniques. The latter includes receiving training from a biofeedback specialist who will use monitoring equipment to help you develop the ability to control specific body functions (e.g., muscular tension). If you are interested in biofeedback, ask your physician for a referral.

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