How to Reduce Colostomy Odor
Things You'll Need
- Colostomy pouch or wafer
- Colostomy deodorant
- Vanilla oil
- Peppermint oil
- Colostomy lubricant
- Non-stick cooking oil
- Dreft soap
Eat a healthy diet, but limit foods with a strong odor or those that produce gas such as asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, fish, garlic and onions. Eating yogurt or parsley and drinking buttermilk might decrease odor.
Apply a new colostomy pouch or wafer securely without any gaps or skin wrinkles between the wafer and the skin.
Add a colostomy deodorant to the pouch that is specifically formulated for a colostomy device. These substances are available in different forms such as a liquid, gel or tablet. Other substances that can be used as a deodorant include about 10 drops of either vanilla oil or peppermint oil.
Add a colostomy lubricant that is designed for the inside of a colostomy pouch. A lubricant can prevent stool from sticking to the pouch after emptying. You can purchase the lubricant where you buy your ostomy supplies. According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, you can also spray the inside of the pouch with a non-stick cooking oil.
Empty the pouch when it is about 1/3 to ½ full. Stool and odor can leak from a pouch that is too full.
Wipe stool from the inside and the outside of the pouch tail with toilet paper after emptying the pouch. You can rinse the pouch after emptying to remove any leftover stool. According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, adding a few granules of Dreft soap to the rinse water can lubricate the inside of the pouch and freshen the pouch.
Empty soiled disposable pouches into the toilet after changing to a new pouch and then dispose of the soiled pouch in the trash.
Wash your hands after changing or emptying your pouch.
Change your pouch or wafer when you notice any leakage.