Crohn's disease homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic Examination
A homeopathic examination is very different than a traditional medical exam. Your state of mind and health history is taken into consideration before a treatment plan is developed. With traditional medicine, one type of treatment is used on a variety of patients to obtain the same result. Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, is much more individual.
The homeopathic treatment should match your symptoms as closely as possible. The practitioner may ask you about your emotional state as well during the examination. Symptoms that may not seem related to your Crohn's disease may help to narrow down the search for the right homeopathic medicine.
Homeopathic may not be able to cure your Crohn's disease, but it may help relieve the symptoms.
Consult with a professional homeopath to select the right treatment. The following medicines are cited by the University of Maryland Medical Center as commonly used by homeopathic physicians.
A homeopathic doctor prescribes mercurius for patients who experience diarrhea with streaks of blood. You will not feel relieved after a bowel movement; you will feel fatigued.
Patients receive veratrum album for Crohn's disease that presents with very loose diarrhea and severe cramps.
The homeopathic practitioner prescribes podophyllum for patients experiencing leg cramps along with diarrhea.
A licensed homeopathic physician recommends these medications based on your evaluation and symptoms.
Homeopathic medicine prescribes low-dose, higher-frequency treatment plans for chronic conditions. A sudden or acute condition is treated with higher dosages.
Higher potency medications are given in low doses. Your Crohn's disease medication may be required only once per week. The physician determines your progress based on information that you provide after using treatment. If one dose stops your symptoms, then only one dose will be given. Only if symptoms return will you take another dose of the medicine.
Only one homeopathic medicine is used at a time.