Natural Cures for Candidiasis from the Health Food Store
Diet is one of the best defenses that you have against the overgrowth of candida albicans. Avoid overly processed foods and those that are high in sugar. The candida diet prevents further growth of yeast and helps to eradicate the yeast that already exists.
The candida diet is a high protein diet that limits the type of carbohydrates that you should eat. Complex carbohydrates that are low in natural sugar are the primary sources for your carbs. Use healthy fats on this diet such as organic butters and olive oil. The best source for organic foods is a health food store. The traditional grocery store may have some organic items, but a wider variety of choices is available in health food stores.
On this diet, you cannot have any sugar at all. There are exceptions, for instance if your blood sugar levels drop a diluted glass of fruit juice can restore your blood glucose levels quickly. You will experience cravings for sugars and processed foods on this diet. It is a very restrictive diet, but it can help to avoid yeast overgrowth and the health problems that this causes.
Visit the herb section of the health food store to find antifungal herbal treatments. Oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, garlic, coconut oil, black walnut, caprylic acid and liquid chloroph should be in your medicine chest to kill off excess yeast. Use one or two of these herbal remedies at a time and rotate them every four or five days. The body becomes resistant to antifungal herbs if they are used for longer than this amount of time.
Use non-chemical cleaning supplies in your home. Chemical based cleaners can affect your immune system making you more vulnerable to candida albicans. Shop for green household cleaners in a natural whole foods store that specializes in environmentally friendly products. There may be some natural cleaners in a traditional supermarket, but everything you will need to keep your home spic and span is available in an organic natural store.
Take steps to keep your yeast levels under control by following the candida diet. You will begin to feel better in just a few days on the diet and with attention to the products that you use in your home.