What Are the Causes of Systemic Candida?
The overuse of antibiotics can kill off the "friendly" bacteria that resides in the gastrointestinal system, allowing candida to grow unchecked.
Poor Nutrition
Candida feeds off sugar, as well as foods that break down into sugar in the body, such as refined pasta and white flour. Caffeine and alcohol can also contribute to candida growth.
Prescription Drugs
The use of prescription drugs such as birth control pills, synthetic estrogen and steroid type drugs can create a hormonal imbalance that disrupts the balance of bacteria in the digestive system.
Ph level
Toxins in the environment, stress, chlorinated water, antacids and even dental fillings can upset the pH level in the body and contribute to candida overgrowth.
Immune System Deficiencies
Individuals with a weakened immune system due to HIV, diabetes or other disease are more susceptible to candida overgrowth.