How to Treat Parasites in the Body
Things You'll Need
- Digestive enzymes containing papain or bromelain
- Herbal laxative containing cascara sagrada and other herbs
- Black Walnut tincture
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Epsom salts
- Zinc oxide ointment
- Enema bag
- Castille soap
Cleanse the Bowel and Treat Infestation
See a doctor for appropriate tests and treatment. Medications such as megendazole, thiabendazole, or pyrantel pamoate may be prescribed. Side effects of medications may include loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, fever or a rash.
Eat a high fiber diet consisting largely of raw vegetables and whole grains. Nutritional deficiency is associated with parasites in the body; foods high in vitamins and minerals are important. Extra fiber helps to reduce parasite infestations. Consider taking digestive enzymes containing papain, from papayas, and bromelain, from pineapple. Fasting on pineapple or papaya for three days is a folk remedy to eliminate tapeworms.
Take an herbal laxative containing cascara sagrada and at least four of the following: chamomile, chaparral, chinacea root, ficus, gentialn root, mugwort, mullein oil, parsley, pau d'arco, rhubarb root, slippery elm, thyme, valerian and wormwood. Follow label directions. These herbs have phytochemicals that are effective against parasitic worms. In addition, take 10 drops of black walnut extract on an empty stomach three times a day. Black walnut is a rich source of chromium and iodine; its taste is not unpleasant, making it ideal for use in children.
Take Grapefruit seed extract in aloe vera juice twice a day. Follow manufacturer's directions regarding the amount of aloe vera juice and add 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract to each dose of juice. Aloe vera is alkalizing and reduces inflammation of smooth muscle, which aids healing. Grapefruit seed extract may be effective for killing parasites.
Wash underwear, sheets and towels in very hot water with chlorine bleach. Change bed linens daily. Wash hands frequently with antibacterial soap, paying particular attention to cleaning under fingernails, and avoid scratching the anus.
Use Warm Water Externally And Internally
Take a very warm bath with 1 cup of Epsom salts per 2 gallons of water. Before the bath coat the anus with zinc oxide diaper rash ointment. Repeat these soaks daily for three days.
Fill an enema bag with very warm water. Add 1 tbls. of Castille soap then tightly close the bag.
Open the stopcock and drain a small amount of water into the sink to remove air. Close the stopcock and lubricate the enema tip. Hang the enema bag 2 to 3 feet above the floor or bed.
Lying down on the left side, insert the lubricated tip into the rectum and open the stopcock so that water fills the bowel. Breathe deeply and take as much water as possible, closing the stopcock and waiting at brief intervals if necessary. Try to retain the water for 10 minutes without moving.
Go to the toilet and expel the water. Parasites will be washed out, especially if they have been killed and weakened by herbal medicines, such as black walnut and grapefruit seed extract. If only a small amount of water was taken, repeat the enema up to four times, taking more each time.