Home Remedy for Colon Infection
Garlic and Milk
Add one finely cut head of garlic to one glass of water. For ages 20 and older, two to three heads of garlic are needed. Heat the milk just below the boiling point. Remove from stove, cover with a thick blanket, and leave overnight. Strain the milk and drink 30 minutes before breakfast. Repeat for three days.
Pumpkin Seeds
Crush 300 g of dry raw pumpkin seeds into a bowl. Add 500 ml of water and keep the mix in double boiler for two hours on very low heat. The water should not boil. Let it cool, remove the layer of oil on top, and strain the liquid. Take 1 tbsp. every 15 minutes for one hour. Wait for two hours and then take a laxative. Wait another two hours and eat anything thin and liquid such as hot oatmeal. Take 45 g of seeds for ages 2-3, 70 g for ages 3-4, 90 g for ages 5-6, and 150 g for ages 10-12.
Flaxseeds and Cloves
Grind one part cloves and 10 parts flaxseeds in coffee grinder. You can eat teaspoons of this powder by itself or add to meal. Take 25 g of powder for every 130 lbs. of weight in a day. Take for one month.
Add one glass of hot water to one grated medium-sized onion. Let it sit for 12 hours. Strain the liquid and take one-half glass a day for three or four days.
Squash Seeds
Break open 50 g of squash seeds and boil with one glass of water for 15 minutes. Keep the water in double boiler on low heat or a thermos for two hours. Strain liquid and drink one-half glass two or three times between meals.