Behavior Due to Pinworms
Male pinworms tend to spend their lifespan confined to the intestine; however, the females are more active and are the cause of the most prominent symptoms and behaviors associated with pinworm infection.
Not everyone who is infected with pinworms will have symptoms. When few pinworms are present they often of undetected.
Effects: Itching
The most prominent change in behavior caused by pinworms is persistent anal itching, particularly at night. This skin irritation is caused when the female pinworm deposits her eggs at the opening of the anal cavity.
Effects: Stomach Upset
Persons who are infected with a large amount of pinworms will also experience stomach upset and nausea, particularly at night when the worms are most active.
Persons with severe pinworm infections will develop abdominal pain which may make normal behaviors like bending over or lifting objects uncomfortable. Increased appetite accompanied by persistent weight loss may also be present.
Behaviors associated with pinworm infection can be resolved by proper treatment, usually involving an anti-parasitic medication. Persons who think they may have contracted pinworms should see their physician for treatment.